What is BellevueBuzz?

  Welcome to BellevueBuzz.com! This is all about my great city Bellevue Washington. This will be a video based blog for you to enjoy… BellevueBuzz.com is the brainchild of Jason E. Cook.  He came up with the idea for BellevueBuzz in May 2011 after starting his own Youtube channel as a  professional residential real estate specialist in Bellevue, Mercer Island, and the Seattle area.  Knowing that VIDEO is a driving factor for our everyday lives he noticed the lack of  professional quality video content online about Bellevue, Washington.  As an active member of the community and his outgoing personality, Jason decided he would interview  friends and clients from his real estate practice to talk on camera about why they loved their neighborhoods.  Initially the idea was based soley on a Bellevue Neighborhood of the week….by why limit it there?!  
  Jason has began producing, directing, and starring  in many short film documentaries  all about Bellevue, and is very proud of this service he can now provide to the community. The hope is that BellevueBuzz.com will benefit those considering opening businesses in Bellevue to get a better sense of the town, serve to educate members of the Bellevue community about our special town, and help prospective residents and home buyers determine if Bellevue is the right fit for them…I am sure it is! 
 Have an idea for a video?  Want to nominate your neighborhood?  Call, text, or email and I will see what I can do!  Either way, this journey is going to be fun along the way!!  Contact me:  Cell 206-280-1911, Email Jason@jasonecook.com , or on the web